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- #
- | README file for
- |
- | ELSA WINNER Windows 95 Driver Disk, ver 1.06
- |
- | WINNER 1000PRO
- | WINNER 1000AVI
- | WINNER 1000PRO/X
- | WINNER 2000 (ISA/EISA, VL)
- | WINNER 2000AVI
- | WINNER 2000PRO
- | WINNER 2000PRO/X
- | GLoria-4, GLoria-8
- |
- | Copyright (c) 1994-96 ELSA GmbH, Aachen (Germany)
- |
- | Subsidary:
- | ELSA GmbH ELSA Inc.
- | Sonnenweg 11 2150 Trade Zone Blvd.
- | D-52070 Aachen Suite 101
- | Germany San Jose, CA 95131
- | USA
- |
- | Phone : +49-241-9177-0 Phone: +1-408-935-0350
- | Support Fax: +49-241-9177-213 Phone: 1-800-272-ELSA
- | BBS (modem): +49-241-9177-981 Fax : +1-408-935-0370
- | BBS (ISDN) : +49-241-9177-7800 BBS : +1-408-935-0380
- | CompuServe : GO ELSA CIS : GO ELSA
- | WWW : http://www.elsa.de WWW : http://www.elsa.com
- |
- | 02/26/96, js
- Contents
- 1. Overview
- 2. Contents
- 3. Installation
- 4. History
- 5. Release Notes
- 6. Known Bugs and Operating Notes
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Overview
- This disk contains the ELSA WINNER Display Driver for
- Microsoft Windows 95.
- The drivers support 256, 32768 and 16 Million colors in all
- resolutions available on used ELSA WINNER board.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2. Contents
- Almost all files are compressed, their names are slighly
- changed. Please note that the files can NOT just be copied
- from this disk. (see installation)
- The directory contains the following files:
- The files marked with (a) are not contained on the PRO/X and
- GLoria disk. The (x)-marked files are only available on this
- disk
- DATE.DOC file identifying the disk, prod. date, etc.
- README.TXT the file you currently look at
- LIESMICH.TXT german version of README
- ELSAINI.TXT additional informations for file ELSA.INI
- (german)
- WINNER.DRV driver file for "Non-PRO"-boards
- WINPRO.DRV driver file for "PRO"-boards
- WINPRX.DRV driver file for TRIO, AVI, PRO/X, GLoria
- MINIWIN.VXD virtual mini display driver
- WINIC95.DLL driver extension (initialization)
- WINEX32.DLL driver extension (32 bit extensions)
- ELSAD16.DLL driver extension (Direct Draw interface)
- ELSADD.DLL driver extension (Direct Draw HAL)
- ELSADSP1.INF device information file for ELSA boards
- ELSAMON1.INF device information file for ELSA monitors
- ELSAMON1.INF device information file for ELSA monitors
- WINMAN.EXE WINman program
- WINMAN.MON WINman monitor configuration file
- WINMADEU.DLL german resource DLL for WINman
- WINMAENG.DLL english resource DLL for WINman
- WINMADEU.HLP german help file for WINman
- WINMAENG.HLP english help file for WINman
- ELSAGDG.EXE Display Treiber Guardian
- ELSAGDG.HLP Helpfile for Guardian
- ELSAGDG.CNT Help contents file for Guardian
- SETUP.EXE Installation Assistant
- ELSASUDE.HLP Helpfile for assistant (german)
- ELSASUUS.HLP Helpfile for assistant (english)
- In case of trouble during or after installation, please make
- sure you have all the files mentioned above!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3. Installation
- This section descibes the steps to install a ELSA WINNER
- Display Driver for Windows 95.
- To install the drivers, start the program SETUP.EXE in this
- directory. The installation assistant will help you to install
- the driver with the control panel.
- 3.1 Install over older versions of the ELSA WINNER Driver
- - Delete in the WINDOWS\INF directory the copies of the
- older versions ELSADISP.INF (named OEM?.INF).
- - Install the original MS-S3 driver to build a new Device
- Information Database.
- - Now follow th steps, described in section 3.2.
- 3.2 First installation of ELSA WINNER Display Drivers
- First install Windows 95 without special drivers for the ELSA
- WINNER graphics board. The installation procedure should
- install a Microsoft driver for boards based on S3 chips.
- The installation of the ELSA WINNER Display Driver starts from
- the Windows desktop.
- - Start the dialog "Properties for Display" by clicking right
- mouse button on the desktop or per Control Panel.
- - Select the Property Page "Settings"
- - Push the button "Change Display Type...". A dialog "Change
- Display Type" will pop up.
- - Push the button "Change..." inside the frame "Adapter Type".
- You will see the "Select Device" dialog.
- - In this dialog push the button "Have Disk..." and change to
- the WIN95 directory on the ELSAware CD for your WINNER board.
- - Select in the "Manufacturer" list ELSA WINNER Display Driver
- and in the list "Models" your WINNER board.
- - If you use an ELSA monitor, make the same procedure for
- "Monitor Type" in the "Change Display Type" dialog.
- - Close the dialog "Change Display Type". At this time the
- screen flickers a moment. This is not a bug! Windows tries to
- find out, which graphics modes are available with this
- driver.
- - Now you can select resolution and color depth in the main
- dialog "Properties for Display". For the first installation
- you should select 1024x768 and 256 colors. This configuration
- is available for all memory configurations on all ELSA
- Boards.
- - Close "Properties for Display" by "OK" or "Apply
- now".
- Normally you need to boot your system. Push the button "Restart
- now".
- In all following Windows sessions you can change the resolution
- without rebooting your system.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4. Revision History
- This section describes changes to the previous releases of this
- disk.
- Version 1.01 - first release.
- 4.1 Version 1.02
- - "Smoothy screen fonts" now works.
- - Problems when using "Mouse Trails" with color and or animated
- cursors fixed.
- 4.2 Version 1.03
- - "Quick color depth change" now possible with Microsoft
- QuickRes v2.0. (see 6.5.)
- - Support for POWERdraft for Windows 95 added.
- - DCI and DirectDraw support added
- - Refresh-Rate support added.
- 4.3. Version 1.04
- - Polygon-support: You can switch off driver support of
- polygons by adding the line
- Polygon=0
- to the section [Settings] in your ELSA.INI file.
- - Colored hardware cursors only supperted, if the line
- ColorCursor=1
- exists in the section [Settings] in the ELSA.INI file.
- - Direct Draw, Pen Windows and Virtual Screen support added.
- - Some problems with refresh rate support fixed.
- 4.4. Version 1.05
- - "Grayed Text" bug fixed
- - Software-Cursor bug fixed
- - "Run=" entry in WIN.INI no longer used for WINman
- 4.5. Version 1.06
- - WINNER 1000TRIO: Reboot crash fixed
- - OpenGL support for GLoria (BETA)
- - Schedule+ Page preview: Bug fixed
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5. Release notes
- 5.1 ELSA.INI entries
- The working mode of the driver can manipulate by entries in the
- file ELSA.INI. Normally you will need to reboot your machine to
- mak this settings working. In later releases ELSA will
- distribute a tool change working paramters more easy.
- The following table shows the meaning of this entries:
- Section [Settings]
- CursorFG/CursorBK
- ColorCursor
- With this two entries you can change the color of the
- hardware cursor. The format is:
- CursorFG=0xrrggbb
- at which rr, gg and bb are the hexadecimal values in
- the range 00 to FF of the base color components.
- You must specify ColorCursor=1 to make this working!
- RefreshRate
- no longer supported!
- TI-Snow
- Set this value to 1, if the screen flickers around the
- cursor shape while changing the pattern.
- This switch works only on WINNER 2000PRO/X, -AVI and
- GLoria.
- Format555
- Set this value to 1 to force the 5-5-5 color format in
- 16BPP modes.
- Section [Hardware]
- CursorType
- In few resolution/color combinations on some S3-based
- graphic boards the hardware cursor doesn't work. In
- this cases you can force the usage of a software cursor
- by inserting the line
- CursorType=SW
- in your ELSA.INI file.
- This affects WINNER 1000 ISA/EISA, VL and PCI.
- Video-RAM base address and size
- Windows'95 needs direct access to the frambuffer of
- your graphics board. Normally this takes place by 64kB
- segments, mapped into the address space above 0A0000h.
- On VL and PCI systems you can map the full video RAM
- into the host address space. This increases the
- performance of multimedia applications.
- For example, insert the line
- VRAM-Base=0xA0000000
- to map the video RAM at the physical address
- A00000000h.
- Note that this address has to be above the end of your
- main memory and that it has to be a multiple of the RAM
- size of your graphics board. Additionally the end of the
- graphics RAM must not be above the addressable range of
- your bus type. These are for ISA bus 16MB, VL 128MB and
- PCI 4GB.
- If you specify a VRAM-Base you also need to insert a
- VRAM-Size entry:
- for WINNER 1000AVI, WINNER 2000AVI,
- WINNER 2000PRO/X and GLoria use
- VRAM-Size=0x4000000
- and for all other (previous) WINNER use
- the size of the video memory in bytes.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6. Known Bugs and Operating Notes
- This section documents known anomalies or problems and gives
- hints on work arounds.
- 6.1 Videomode not available
- Because the controls for Desktop area and Color resolution
- display ALL possible modes on ALL WINNER boards not all
- indicated resolutions are available. The attempt to select such
- a mode fails. Windows rejects this attempt with a corresponding
- notification message.
- 6.2 No mouse pointer visible
- On the WINNER 1000, WINNER 1000VL, and WINNER 1000PCI under
- 32 bpp no mouse pointer is visible. Enable Mouse Trails with a
- very short trail in "Properties for Mouse" in the Control Panel.
- 6.3 After the installation no mouse cursor is visible
- Probably there is no ELSA WINNER graphics driver active, but
- a standard driver for Microsoft S3 processors. This driver
- cannot recognize the the ELSA WINNER graphics board correctly.
- - To avoid this problem please install the ELSA WINNER graphics
- driver for Windows 95.
- - Shut down Windows 95 with ALT-F4. While starting press F8.
- In the following menu choose the third entry "3. Save mode".
- Windows 95 will now start in a save mode with standard VGA
- resolution. Now install the ELSA WINNER driver for Windows 95.
- or:
- - Activate the software cursor (e.g. animated mouse cursor) or
- the mouse track.
- Hints:
- When the Device Manager recognizes the ELSA WINNER graphics
- board correctly, it is possible that no ELSA WINNER driver is
- active.
- With the Device Manager you can get information for all
- drivers (e.g. company). With the ELSA driver you will find
- the entry "ELSA GmbH Aachen (Germany)".
- 6.4 WINNER 1000AVI-VL
- This board works only with up to 64MB main memory. The S3 chips
- 868/968 need 64MB physical address space and the VL-bus can
- only access 128 MB. For this board use the following entries
- in the section [Hardware] in your ELSA.INI file:
- VRAM-Base=0x4000000
- VRAM-Size=0x4000000
- 6.5 QuickRes 2.0 and Hardware Cursor
- Now it is possible to change the current Color-resolution
- (BPP) without rebooting Windows. Microsoft QuickRes 2.0
- switches the CursorType to Software when changing the
- color resolution. You can switch back to Hardware Cursor with
- "Properties for Mouse". Click Motion/Trail "on" and "off".
- 6.6. Unknown and PnP-monitors
- If you don't have selected a Monitor or you have a PnP (DDC1)
- Monitor, in all graphics modes the default refresh rate is
- 60Hz. The DDC case is becaus a bug in Windows DDC support
- You can change to a higher refresh rate with the program
- WINman. WINman, unlike Windows, can evaluate the monitor
- information provaided by DDC exact.
- 6.7. Cursor corruption
- If you see some "snow" araound the cursor shape while changing
- the pattern, insert the line
- TI-Snow=1
- in the section [Settings] of your ELSA.INI file.
- ! This fix slows down the performance of the cursor changing
- ! operations !
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------